Here's my gorgeous boy!
You never cease to amaze me.
I had to wait for this layout to come home so I could scan it and put it on WigWam.
This reminds me so much of you , and all your different facets!
You tell me think its incredible that I've got a blog, pretty cool for a Mum!
I wouldn't know where to begin if I didn't have you to guide me!
Thanks Darling! Love you xmum
Gods Bubble wrap suit.
Whenever I face a huge hurdle that seems too big to overcome; I stop and remind myself that God knows how far he can push me. In fact it’s all part of The Big Plan; it’s been in the pipeline for a long time and as usual I’m not privy to all the details. He knows what he’s doing!
So there I am, frightened and working very hard at convincing myself that I’m in his hands. He’s the only one who knows what’s in my deepest heart. He’s never done me wrong before. Sure, we’ve had some close calls where I’ve been slightly worried. Are you sure you know what you’re doing? That doesn’t make a lot of sense to me? But he’s always manages to pull it off, yet again! You see He gets to look at the blue prints of The Big Plan…. I don’t!
I just get to trust that he’ll take care of me. I let him do the worrying. He’s given me an invisible bubble wrap suit and nothing can harm me and I can lie gently in his hand and he’ll carry me safely to the other side of my obstacle.
And once again I’ll be able to say “Hey thanks God!”