Its our anniversary tomorrow. Twenty three years on the twenty third of March. No big celebrations or gifts. Just out to dinner to mark the occasion. I was hustling the boys out of the house (They are gathering with a group of like minded computer Nerds to play games all night!) when jake asked "why are you trying to get rid of us?"
"It's our anniversary, and your Dad and i want to play hidey/chasey, maybe even in the nude!"
Jake was holding Stuart the cat at the time went:
"Eeeew! When i tell you to run Stu, RUN! And don't look back!"
I'll file that away until he's celebrating an anniversary.
I have a LOOOOOng memory!
I had my mobile phone in my apron pocket at work the other day. I dashed to the loo and while seated the phone beeped to say I had a voicemail. "Why not?" I thought and quickly dialed the number to check who was after me. Unfortunately it was the first time I'd checked voicemail and I hadn't registered yet. I'm not very savvy with this sort of thing and thought if I hang up I'm not sure how to get back to it again!
So I sat there working through the prompts, recording my name and a message. If you ever call my phone there's a delighful echo to my message. Thank heavens no one came into the loo while I was there...they would have heard:-
"Hi this is Linda, sorry I missed you. Leave a message so I can get back to you later. Don't forget to press the hash key! Bye!
I've just put the finishing touch to a layout I'm entering into a competition. I feel very proud of it! This weekend we've been close to home and I have got so much done! Its a good feeling to be on top of my classes. A few more in the next few days and I'm up to date.
The layout i've finished is one of Russ and I. I wrote a little acknowledgement of my love for him and put it in journalling strips on the page. Just beautiful. X
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Fun in the garden

I always love those times when the boys join us in the garden. Max the dog nearly turns himself inside out he's so excited to have someone to play with. He's a mad keen soccer player and I believe could actually play for Australia one day.

Russell has just bought himself a new mulcher. Hours of fun! Jake has christened it the "Green Guinea Pig" its such a voracious muncher. There is not a spare leave twig or blade of grass in our garden. Russ is now looking into the trees to see whats about to fall....

My inheritence
Don't you love those unexpected glimpses; when you catch a view of yourself, as other people see you.
I was in the Medicare office the other day and glanced up at the TV monitor, as you do.
The Lady at the end of the queue wore white trousers that were very unflattering and her T Shirt had ridden up the back, framing her pear shaped derriere. I smiled to myself, but I did admire her lovely colour matching, the orange T Shirt was just lovely....wait a minute
It was me!!! Shock.... Horror!!!
And doesn't it send your confidence tumbling like a house of cards. It took the "John Travolta" right out of my strut!
All these years I thought I didn't look too much like either my mum or my Dad. Oh you could see I belonged; but compared to my brothers I was definitely a hybrid of the two of them. Little did I know that it was all time-sensitive.
And like clockwork, forty years later I happened one day to glance at my knees.
Yep, you guessed it . They're my mum's. Exactly the same. And someone's been drawing on them with red and blue pen!
My favourite inherited body part from my Mum, however, are my hands.
They used to be quite elegant. When I wasn't Nursing I could get my nails nice and long. I was always moisturising, and buffing the nails , pushing cuticles back. Etc etc.
I'd advise Mum on what she needed to do to have "Lovely Nails" Try this product, yes it'll work. Just rub this into your cuticles/nail tips/hands ten times a day. you get the idea. To me with plenty of free time before kids, it seemed so easy. She was obviously not trying hard enough!
Just add twenty five years to those glamorous hands and notice the difference. They've become square and blunt. The knuckles are thick. I struggle with some of my rings, but I'm too vain to get them enlarged (What if i drop a few pounds.) I can't grow any length to the nails. I have freckles on the back of my hands and they always seem dry.
They're my Mum's Hands.
And I know that they are like this because I "MOTHER". We work so hard, my hands and I. Together we make a house , a home; we rub away aches, we give comfort with touch, we nourish and nurture. Sometimes we tackle distasteful tasks, but we do it quickly, efficiently.
They can wield heavy tools if required and then , later, can precisely place a delicate bead or sequin, sew tiny stitches or find an eyelash that is lost in a dear one's eye.
I love that I have my Mum's hands.
I'm not so sure about the knee's.
I was in the Medicare office the other day and glanced up at the TV monitor, as you do.
The Lady at the end of the queue wore white trousers that were very unflattering and her T Shirt had ridden up the back, framing her pear shaped derriere. I smiled to myself, but I did admire her lovely colour matching, the orange T Shirt was just lovely....wait a minute
It was me!!! Shock.... Horror!!!
And doesn't it send your confidence tumbling like a house of cards. It took the "John Travolta" right out of my strut!
All these years I thought I didn't look too much like either my mum or my Dad. Oh you could see I belonged; but compared to my brothers I was definitely a hybrid of the two of them. Little did I know that it was all time-sensitive.
And like clockwork, forty years later I happened one day to glance at my knees.
Yep, you guessed it . They're my mum's. Exactly the same. And someone's been drawing on them with red and blue pen!
My favourite inherited body part from my Mum, however, are my hands.
They used to be quite elegant. When I wasn't Nursing I could get my nails nice and long. I was always moisturising, and buffing the nails , pushing cuticles back. Etc etc.
I'd advise Mum on what she needed to do to have "Lovely Nails" Try this product, yes it'll work. Just rub this into your cuticles/nail tips/hands ten times a day. you get the idea. To me with plenty of free time before kids, it seemed so easy. She was obviously not trying hard enough!
Just add twenty five years to those glamorous hands and notice the difference. They've become square and blunt. The knuckles are thick. I struggle with some of my rings, but I'm too vain to get them enlarged (What if i drop a few pounds.) I can't grow any length to the nails. I have freckles on the back of my hands and they always seem dry.
They're my Mum's Hands.
And I know that they are like this because I "MOTHER". We work so hard, my hands and I. Together we make a house , a home; we rub away aches, we give comfort with touch, we nourish and nurture. Sometimes we tackle distasteful tasks, but we do it quickly, efficiently.
They can wield heavy tools if required and then , later, can precisely place a delicate bead or sequin, sew tiny stitches or find an eyelash that is lost in a dear one's eye.
I love that I have my Mum's hands.
I'm not so sure about the knee's.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
New Title
I really don't learn my lessons. Tonight Russ and i went to the cinema, and after retraining myself to not need caffeine, and be perfectly happy with decaf; i shout myself a lovely Grande Flat white at Zarraffa's. Hence here it is after midnight and I can't sleep.........
Just thought for the new year, a new title banner was in order. Love the quote from Erma Bombeck. The photo is from my desk, through our front sliding doors and off our balcony. I've tweaked the colour to make our Tibouchina extra blue, and softened the focus to write my little quote.
This is what I see as i sit at my desk and write or scrap or draw or just think and pray.
My intention once again is to write more frequently and now after much thought i know what direction to take this in. I have some drafts for publishing that just need a wee little polish and some little snapshots of my world that may bring a smile to your face.
If I make you smile, or make you thoughtful. If I bring a tear to your eye or even better, if i make you sit up and look more closely as i share my spiritual journey with you then I am glad.
If you hadn't realised I've found God again, I have( apparently he never lost me!)
I can't talk the "churchy" talk so relax; it won't be like that!
Phew! I'm as relieved as you are!
But i want to share with you the amazing things that happen to me daily.
The First thing to share!
This is not what I got out of bed to write, in fact nothing like what I'd intended at all.
I'll share my funny McDonalds story, and the icecream truck story, and the mums and daughters thoughts with you next time.
ta ta for now
Just thought for the new year, a new title banner was in order. Love the quote from Erma Bombeck. The photo is from my desk, through our front sliding doors and off our balcony. I've tweaked the colour to make our Tibouchina extra blue, and softened the focus to write my little quote.
This is what I see as i sit at my desk and write or scrap or draw or just think and pray.
My intention once again is to write more frequently and now after much thought i know what direction to take this in. I have some drafts for publishing that just need a wee little polish and some little snapshots of my world that may bring a smile to your face.
If I make you smile, or make you thoughtful. If I bring a tear to your eye or even better, if i make you sit up and look more closely as i share my spiritual journey with you then I am glad.
If you hadn't realised I've found God again, I have( apparently he never lost me!)
I can't talk the "churchy" talk so relax; it won't be like that!
Phew! I'm as relieved as you are!
But i want to share with you the amazing things that happen to me daily.
The First thing to share!
This is not what I got out of bed to write, in fact nothing like what I'd intended at all.
I'll share my funny McDonalds story, and the icecream truck story, and the mums and daughters thoughts with you next time.
ta ta for now
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Newsletter for March/April
Of all the different kinds of kisses in the world, my favourite is a kiss on the forehead. There’s a lover’s kiss; the kiss we give our children where we try to squish them close to our hearts. We “air kiss” our girlfriends so we don’t get lipstick on their cheeks. We smooch those pudgy baby cheeks, and yes I have been know to kiss a freshly powdered baby bottom (my own babies of course)
But the kiss that hits me firmly in my heart is a kiss to the centre of my forehead. Think of the way that kiss is handled. Someone near and dear to you cups your cheek in their hand, brushes your hair to one side and plants a soft and tender kiss right where you have your worry lines. You have to close your eyes for just those few seconds and leave yourself in their hands; feeling loved and for a few moments everything stops as there is a connection between kisser and kissee.
A kiss on the forehead is a gentle kiss. It tells you that the kisser knows how busy your mind is, coping with the day to day dramas of keeping everyone happy, remembering all you need to do. I think it goes straight to your heart, recognises that you are a good person, fighting the good fight in spite of all. It’s a kiss to your spirit, a kiss of encouragement, a kiss of very tender love.
I close my little rambling today with a kiss on the forehead for you. I can see the hard work you are doing, I can see the times you struggle and wonder if it’s even noticed. Keep going, you’re on the right path and you are appreciated.
But the kiss that hits me firmly in my heart is a kiss to the centre of my forehead. Think of the way that kiss is handled. Someone near and dear to you cups your cheek in their hand, brushes your hair to one side and plants a soft and tender kiss right where you have your worry lines. You have to close your eyes for just those few seconds and leave yourself in their hands; feeling loved and for a few moments everything stops as there is a connection between kisser and kissee.
A kiss on the forehead is a gentle kiss. It tells you that the kisser knows how busy your mind is, coping with the day to day dramas of keeping everyone happy, remembering all you need to do. I think it goes straight to your heart, recognises that you are a good person, fighting the good fight in spite of all. It’s a kiss to your spirit, a kiss of encouragement, a kiss of very tender love.
I close my little rambling today with a kiss on the forehead for you. I can see the hard work you are doing, I can see the times you struggle and wonder if it’s even noticed. Keep going, you’re on the right path and you are appreciated.
Newsletter for January/February
Have you ever been into Daisy chain and watched Barbi in action!
It’s easy to watch and see only that she’s busy on the phone or on the computer (or as all our husbands think, sitting and having another coffee chat at the morning tea table with all her staff! )
We don’t see unless we look closely the true magic of daisy’s, and why she has created a safe place for you to rest your burdens for a while.
I have watched Barbi quietly comfort recently bereaved with the warmest of hugs as they rest they’re worries against her shoulder. I watched her give abundantly more than is expected to the people who come to our counter that do good works in the community. I’ve watched her remember not just names, but the stories of people from near and far who come back to us again and again and each time are welcomed “home” with food and drink. I’ve known the amount of work on her plate and still been astounded when the home baking arrives! Does she sleep? I’ve watched her show the most amazing grace to people, who may not deserve it, (and she’s taught me not to judge)
I used to be frustrated at the “jumble sale” that is our third table at Daisy’s and the office/dumpster that is our “behind the scenes”. But now I know why! You can’t be tidying when you are ministering! (It’s our job to tidy) When I find a little pile of papers and tools and scraps in a corner I know that Barbi has just given a demo to someone, its probably after shop closing time, they probably bought the product somewhere else and have no clue how to use it, they may not even be grateful, or quite arrogantly announce they can get it cheaper somewhere else! Does this deter our barbi?
No way!
I’m happy to be able to come along behind and tidy and straighten; finish and put away because the whole time I’m remembering that someone has probably been helped, guided, advised, comforted, nurtured, encouraged, reassured, or just taught a skill.
Barbi is my role model on how to be, and my mentor on how to work. I can only wish that we all get this kind of boss, who has her priorities exactly right!
Bless you Barbi! X
It’s easy to watch and see only that she’s busy on the phone or on the computer (or as all our husbands think, sitting and having another coffee chat at the morning tea table with all her staff! )
We don’t see unless we look closely the true magic of daisy’s, and why she has created a safe place for you to rest your burdens for a while.
I have watched Barbi quietly comfort recently bereaved with the warmest of hugs as they rest they’re worries against her shoulder. I watched her give abundantly more than is expected to the people who come to our counter that do good works in the community. I’ve watched her remember not just names, but the stories of people from near and far who come back to us again and again and each time are welcomed “home” with food and drink. I’ve known the amount of work on her plate and still been astounded when the home baking arrives! Does she sleep? I’ve watched her show the most amazing grace to people, who may not deserve it, (and she’s taught me not to judge)
I used to be frustrated at the “jumble sale” that is our third table at Daisy’s and the office/dumpster that is our “behind the scenes”. But now I know why! You can’t be tidying when you are ministering! (It’s our job to tidy) When I find a little pile of papers and tools and scraps in a corner I know that Barbi has just given a demo to someone, its probably after shop closing time, they probably bought the product somewhere else and have no clue how to use it, they may not even be grateful, or quite arrogantly announce they can get it cheaper somewhere else! Does this deter our barbi?
No way!
I’m happy to be able to come along behind and tidy and straighten; finish and put away because the whole time I’m remembering that someone has probably been helped, guided, advised, comforted, nurtured, encouraged, reassured, or just taught a skill.
Barbi is my role model on how to be, and my mentor on how to work. I can only wish that we all get this kind of boss, who has her priorities exactly right!
Bless you Barbi! X
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