Saturday, March 8, 2008

New Title

I really don't learn my lessons. Tonight Russ and i went to the cinema, and after retraining myself to not need caffeine, and be perfectly happy with decaf; i shout myself a lovely Grande Flat white at Zarraffa's. Hence here it is after midnight and I can't sleep.........

Just thought for the new year, a new title banner was in order. Love the quote from Erma Bombeck. The photo is from my desk, through our front sliding doors and off our balcony. I've tweaked the colour to make our Tibouchina extra blue, and softened the focus to write my little quote.

This is what I see as i sit at my desk and write or scrap or draw or just think and pray.
My intention once again is to write more frequently and now after much thought i know what direction to take this in. I have some drafts for publishing that just need a wee little polish and some little snapshots of my world that may bring a smile to your face.

If I make you smile, or make you thoughtful. If I bring a tear to your eye or even better, if i make you sit up and look more closely as i share my spiritual journey with you then I am glad.
If you hadn't realised I've found God again, I have( apparently he never lost me!)
I can't talk the "churchy" talk so relax; it won't be like that!
Phew! I'm as relieved as you are!

But i want to share with you the amazing things that happen to me daily.

The First thing to share!
This is not what I got out of bed to write, in fact nothing like what I'd intended at all.
I'll share my funny McDonalds story, and the icecream truck story, and the mums and daughters thoughts with you next time.
ta ta for now

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