Nothing like a bit of enforced rest to bring you back on a level playing field...and give you time to blog!
Its now nine days since my hysterectomy and all is going very well. Russ has taken time off work and is looking after me so well! The boys are treating me like the most fragile little ornament and I'm quite enjoying just stopping for a while.
Its been a little gift of some time to collect my thoughts. Think about what I'm doing and why. Where I'm at in my life and where i want to get to.
Its been great for Russ to stop also. We've really been reduced to the absolute basics. We cook and eat. We watch movies or read. We sleep and we talk. All perfectly wonderful restorative stuff.
Before i went into hospital I packed up my desk and for over a week Jake has had his computer set up here. A few days ago i got him to pack it up and I'm back to playing here again. No amazing creations but lots of looking and touching and getting inspired. I visited daisys very quickly on monday and Barbi had a care package for me so a few new toys to play with.
But i'm not in a rush. There's time when i feel better. Its so nice nice to read a whole Jane Austen in a day and a half with lots of dozing on the couch. Then sit up to a beautiful home cooked meal with my boys, before an evening curled up on the couch with a rug on my knees and the puppies curled up alseep at my feet watchin australian idol. Russ just called me in to look at the junk mail. No reason but "gosh there a lot of good fathers day stuff Lin, but i don't need anything but look at this"
All in all a pretty contented little home now that our little worry time is over.
I wonder if its afternoon tea time yet?