Tuesday, September 26, 2006

A reason a season a lifetime

It’s a delight to tackle those old albums of photo’s and treasures. Once I get the dust bunnies off them I love that first look through the collection. All those wonderful treasures that I felt were important keep, but look at now and wonder “what was I thinking?”
There amongst the photos of my life are all my dear friends from over the years. The ones with whom I had so much in common; I’d shared lots of first’s and made lots of memories and now years later, I scratch my head and wonder where they are?
I used to feel very sad at how friends would come and go from my life. Mum and Grandma always said ….” True friends are like diamonds rich and rare, false friends are like autumn leaves found everywhere.” This didn’t ever explain it well enough for me. Let me share with you now what I really believe to be true. This was sent to me years ago in an email (from a dear old friend Sue Redfern) It struck a chord with me then and reminded me that I’m part of a grand plan and since then I’ve added my own spin to help me understand.

People come into your life for a Reason, a Season or a Lifetime!
When someone comes into your life for a Reason it is usually to meet a need you have expressed. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with a guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually. They may seem like a Godsend and they are!
Then suddenly the relationship will end. It maybe that there is a falling out between you, they may move away, they may die, or they may just walk away for no apparent reason. It’s important to remember its because our need has been met, our desire fulfilled. Their work is done. The prayer you sent up has been answered, and now it’s time to move on.

Some friends come into your life for a Season because your turn has come to help someone to grow, share and learn. Friends for a season are those friends you gather because of common interests, children and sports, maybe colleagues from work. Because of your shared interests you seem like soulmates and it’s a joy to spend time with them. But only for a season. As your circumstances change, so do the things you have in common and there is a drifting apart. The relationship is no less precious.

Lifetime relationships teach you lifetime lessons; things you must build on to have a solid emotional foundation. Lifetime friends live different lives; that from time to time run parallel with ours and allow us to reconnect. We pick up where we left off! Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person, and put what you learn to use in all your relationships and areas of your life. When I look at photo’s of all my friends from the past I’m sad that I don’t see them , but also very grateful. They have added all the dimensions that make me, ME!

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