I'm not sure about this blog! Its probably a little more frustrating than I thought. I've so many things spinning in my head to say and my life just seems to get so busy that I'm not having time to sit here quietly and compose.
I keep thinking of and rejecting heaps of little juicy morsels. I want to rewrite my thoughts on friends for a reason a season and a lifetime.
I want to talk about nasty girls and how relational bullying from our early high school days continues in to out adulthood.
I want to talk about my scrapart and the joy that sharing this with others in all my classes brings me.
But today I want to talk about my darling Ben and his latest news.
Finally after nearly two years and lots of procrastination he seems to be finding his path. Two very strong offers of apprenticeships. One in Caloundra. One in Emerald with the mines that will mean leaving home (gulp) in less than a week. Its taken our eldest so much longer to settle on a path. Nearly a year at uni though has not been wasted. He's still full on with his volunteer work and is growing into a good solid strong man who one day will make a good husband and father.
I will be so satisfying to see him settle, and finally be making money of his own.
Love you boys!
PS Just heard that Ben missed out on Emerald. Kinda glad as it would have meant going tomorrow and I need more time for goodbyes than that. Still a chance for the caloundra one though. fingers crossed!
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