Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas
We've been on holidays since midway through the month and so have had time for the usual preparations, and also a few lovely days camping by the seashore, with my darling family. That was the most important time for me. The days were just glorious, perfect sunshine, warm water, good company. It gave me time to clear my head and have a little chat with my Father.
Its taken me a long time to realise that the inner monologue that i have in my head every day, whenever i'm awake is me chitter chattering to God. And I always have! People would say that Linda is such a worrier" and I couldn't understand it. I'm not fretting over something , i'm processing it. Those times when i feel a nudge to do something, even when its stepping out of my safety zone, making me uncomfortable; I know its a nudge from God. I have learnt to trust that sometimes i don't know best.
When I see someone who is struggling and my God nudges me to go over, start talking , give a hug, say the uncomfortable words, I generally do. I fret when i miss that nudge, or I'm too chicken to act on it. (rest assured this works in reverse too, stay away, back away, disengage can also be my instinctive prompt and my personal favourite that comes to me very very often "be quiet, just Listen!" Its taken me years to heed that one. LOL)
I relish those moments when my world is quiet around me. Here I am early early Christmas morning , i've popped the turkey into the oven and I have time to sit and give thanks for all i have been blessed with. I won't list them for you, you can imagine as they will be similar to yours.
Time to go, the house is stirring.
I'm very grateful to you my dear friends. I wish you all a blessed Christmas. Remember to celebrate his birthday. Its our yearly reminder of how much God loves us and wants us back.
God Bless
ps Don't try and steer the rollercoaster, God is doing that; sit up the front and throw your hands in the air and go wooooohoooo!
Monday, December 8, 2008
How to "comment" on this blog.
When you've read the post
click on the words "comment" at the bottom.
A text box will come up for you to write what you need.
Under that its gonna ask you how you want to be seen.
Just choose the button that says Name/URL (there's no need to register or anything)
then click on publish this comment.
It gets sent to me first for proof reading then i okay it for the blog
X Linda
Sunday, December 7, 2008
With a sigh of relief...
Now I know...

Yep I took the plunge.
Surrounded by my friends and family I was baptised on the 23rd November. Yep I'm born again!
(This is my friend Alison giving me a big hug of congratulations and my mad mate Janet looking on!)

Russell and the boys were there which made it even more special. High 5 for Jesus!

Thanks so much Belinda for the fantastic photo's!!!!!!!!!!

And this is where I need to say thanks to John our Pastor who spoke today at church about what does God want me to do with my life which made me think about am I working to his purpose?. And thanks to my friend Margie who talked to me today about my blog and that she had trouble commenting on it ( yes I did have a funny setting accidentily set to make it hard) which made me come and look at it again. There's my light bulb moment!
I know what I have to be writing about now!
I think what held me back is that as I write in my blog I've been editing what I say so that i don't offend anyone. Hello? From now on its about what I'm thinking, my journey of faith,being a new Christian, what I'm reading and also some translations.
I'm in a pretty exciting place with my faith.
I'm too new to "talk the talk" with confidence, but I can also rememeber what it was like to hear the Gospel read in that alien bible-speak and how confronting the language Christians use can be to people who are ever so gingerly, turning toward our God and starting to listen and ask, "is there something more than this?"
They are very nervous, "if I reveal myself they'll "get me" and before you know it I've handed over all my money and I'm happy clapping on street corners where my friends will see me! Shock Horror!
This is where I give a warm chuckle. No no dear ones, your on the wrong wavelength...
I'm so excited to be able to share my journey with you.If ever you have questions you know where to find me.
I've got to go as apparently I've been using all the internet speed to upload the photo's. Sigh!
More tomorrow...............
Love ya, Linda :)
For those of you interested here is my testimony.
" In Nambour, on the other side of the road from the salvation army, on the corner of Maud and Sydney Street there is a sign that reads:
Jesus said “Come to me all who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28
And about 3 years ago I noticed it.
I noticed it because I was burdened and weary. For all of my life I had carried not only my own worries, but everyone else’s. I could remember every hurt, every wound, and every harsh word that had ever been said to me.
With my mental cataloguing system I could pull out each memory and know all the detail, refresh that anger and hurt, and they never ever healed.
I could also remember every time I had done something or said something that I was ashamed of. I could remember it in detail. And the combination of all that hurt and shame was grinding me to my knees.
You can imagine what a heavy load that was to carry around in my heart. But that was me; that was how I operated.
So three years ago I finally was bought to my knees. My health had ground me to a halt. I had been battling arthritis for so long, and finding it very hard. You see I looked okay.
There were family tensions that had been bubbling away for a long time that finally came to a head.
For the first time I was filled with such a sense of despair it overwhelmed me. I looked at where I was in my life and considered how hard it had been to that point and the thought of another half a lifetime of the same was just too much. That’s exactly where God wanted me. Looking outside of me for help.
I work with a lovely group of ladies and I was lucky enough to be hanging around with Christians. Its amazing the things you absorb just by listening.
I started to think about going to church. It was like a domino effect. As soon as I had the thought, Di at work was talking about her church and before I knew it, I was sitting beside her at the Sallies in Nambour singing my little heart out with tears streaming down my face.
I welcomed Jesus into my heart a few weeks later, and then continued to have a good old bawl each Sunday much to the delight of Diane’s daughter; who would peep around her mum each week to see if I was blubbering.
And just like when you are carrying a really heavy basket, and someone comes and grabs the other side, my load has lightened. I have no burdens on my heart, because my Jesus is carrying them for me.
Russell and my boys are cautiously supportive. I know Russell was worried that I might swap everything we own for some magic beans, and Ben, Jake and Alex are worried I might embarrass them in front of their friends “Hi Five for Jesus” But they love me and know I’m not a fool.
I have now been surrounded by my spiritual family. I love the Riverwalk Church, it feels like home. Our New home group who have welcomed Russell and I so warmly.
And of course I love my dear friends at Daisychain, especially Barbi, Janelle, Sue, Norma and Dawn and the special work we do. And my scrapbooking friends who I have tucked in next to my heart. I feel Jesus working in my life daily. I feel different than ever before. Different to three years ago. Different today, to even a month ago. And why do I want to be baptised.
This is the same quote from the bible that I started with but, its from “The Message” the bible in contemporary language, by Eugene Patterson."
Matthew 11:28-30
Jesus said
“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me- watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep Company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Alex's music night at school
Note the school uniforms...very AC/DC.This is the first time I've uploaded a video so fingers crossed!
Anyhow we're just so proud of our boy. I think there are big things in his future. He is so joyful in his love of the music, i really believe its a gift from God and there's a plan in place for our baby.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
All in all a pretty contented little home now that our little worry time is over.
I wonder if its afternoon tea time yet?
Love this.....
There was a man who had four sons. He wanted to teach his sons to learn not to judge things too quickly. So he sent them on a quest, in turn, to go and look at a pear tree that was a great distance away.
The first son went in the winter. The second in the spring; the third in the summer and the youngest in the autumn. When they had all gone and come back he called them together to describe what they had seen.
The first son said that the tree was ugly, bent and twisted. The second son said no it was covered with green buds and full of promise. The third disagreed; he said it was laden with blossoms that smelled so sweet and looked so beautiful it was the most graceful thing he had ever seen. The last son disagreed with all of them. He said it was ripe and dripping with fruit, full of life and fulfillment.
The man then explained to his sons that they were all right, because they had each seen only one season in a trees life.
He told them that you cannot judge a tree, or a person, by only one season, and that the essence of who they are and the pleasure, joy and love that comes from life can only be measured in the end, when all the seasons are up.
If you give up when its winter, you will miss the promise of your spring, the beauty of your summer the fulfillment of your autumn.
Don’t let the pain of one season destroy the joy of all the rest. Don’t judge life by one difficult season. Persevere though the difficult patches and better times are sure to come some time.
Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God. Happiness keeps you sweet. Trials keep you strong. Sorrows keep you human.
Failures keep you humble. Success keeps you glowing, but only God keeps you going.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Its an out of character praying too.
Usually I talk to God at night before i sleep. Its a calming, peaceful resolution to the day; and I imagine that in the act of unburdening, I fall asleep in his arms.
That was a comfort to me for years, even before I re promised myself to Jesus.
(I hope I'm not scaring you off here, bear with me...)
But my new praying is different, its focused. I can describe it to you like this.
My world at the moment is a little like walking in an earthquake zone. Just when I think i can walk with surety there is another lurch to the earth, and I reflex and throw my hands out to steady myself. And unlike other times when that would spell an unravelling, "c'mon Linda its time to drop your bundle". Instead i resettle quickly, like oil on water, as shaken as I am, it smooths amazingly quickly. I feel Gods hand on my shoulder saying "steady girl.."
While I'm still not sleeping well; instead of it being an anxious time when I lie awake listing all my woes of the moment in order of crises. This is a sorting time. I'm picking up each worry in my mind. I'm turning it over mentally in my mind until I know it well and then; early in the morning while our home is still and quiet, I'm slipping out of bed and coming to my desk. And then I'm speaking to my Father. Its clear and coherent, its delivered in order, scrutinised so I can articulate the hows and whys and whats. Because I have placed it in a semblance of order. I can also deliver it in context. "Please can you help with this, I understand/ don't understand that this is part of your lessons to me; your bigger picture. I trust that you know what you re doing."
When its in context i can make sure I put my gratitude first, and acknowledge my wonder at his work in the world and in my life.
I can think of all the people who need God to look kindly on them and I can ask for favour for them.
One by one; by name; from my list.
I can be remorseful
for when I've not strived to be Christ-like as much as i know i should.
And then I can hand over my burdens, like a little bundle of speech cards.
Sorted in order, clarified, in context.
I need give them no more thought. God now holds them in his hand.
Then I thank him.
When i start my day i feel as though my shoulders are light.
My heart is full, replenished.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
They're growing up.
It was a madcap hectic time as we prepared for a party and a houseful of visitors. There must have been a dust cloud over our home as we swished everything into shape.
Its made a me nostalgic for my dear little boys, and how hard I thought it was with babies, then toddlers, one at school, one at kinder; one a babe. Then all at school, but busy with activities, where are my footy boots, my reader, my permission slip. Then they start to finish high school and we scramble to get them set on a career path.
I don't think they'll ever stop being my babies.
At least I hope not.
I am however delighting in watching them grow into men.
Monday, April 7, 2008
random acts of kindness and favours with strings attached.
But there's also a bit of a trick to the nice people too. There's an outcome they're after. A pass off they're working toward. The good deed comes with strings attached.
Its the big tripping point of being a people pleaser.
We want some to notice what we're doing!
Saturday, March 22, 2008
What's been happening with us...
"It's our anniversary, and your Dad and i want to play hidey/chasey, maybe even in the nude!"
Jake was holding Stuart the cat at the time went:
"Eeeew! When i tell you to run Stu, RUN! And don't look back!"
I'll file that away until he's celebrating an anniversary.
I have a LOOOOOng memory!
I had my mobile phone in my apron pocket at work the other day. I dashed to the loo and while seated the phone beeped to say I had a voicemail. "Why not?" I thought and quickly dialed the number to check who was after me. Unfortunately it was the first time I'd checked voicemail and I hadn't registered yet. I'm not very savvy with this sort of thing and thought if I hang up I'm not sure how to get back to it again!
So I sat there working through the prompts, recording my name and a message. If you ever call my phone there's a delighful echo to my message. Thank heavens no one came into the loo while I was there...they would have heard:-
"Hi this is Linda, sorry I missed you. Leave a message so I can get back to you later. Don't forget to press the hash key! Bye!
I've just put the finishing touch to a layout I'm entering into a competition. I feel very proud of it! This weekend we've been close to home and I have got so much done! Its a good feeling to be on top of my classes. A few more in the next few days and I'm up to date.
The layout i've finished is one of Russ and I. I wrote a little acknowledgement of my love for him and put it in journalling strips on the page. Just beautiful. X
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Fun in the garden

My inheritence
I was in the Medicare office the other day and glanced up at the TV monitor, as you do.
The Lady at the end of the queue wore white trousers that were very unflattering and her T Shirt had ridden up the back, framing her pear shaped derriere. I smiled to myself, but I did admire her lovely colour matching, the orange T Shirt was just lovely....wait a minute
It was me!!! Shock.... Horror!!!
And doesn't it send your confidence tumbling like a house of cards. It took the "John Travolta" right out of my strut!
All these years I thought I didn't look too much like either my mum or my Dad. Oh you could see I belonged; but compared to my brothers I was definitely a hybrid of the two of them. Little did I know that it was all time-sensitive.
And like clockwork, forty years later I happened one day to glance at my knees.
Yep, you guessed it . They're my mum's. Exactly the same. And someone's been drawing on them with red and blue pen!
My favourite inherited body part from my Mum, however, are my hands.
They used to be quite elegant. When I wasn't Nursing I could get my nails nice and long. I was always moisturising, and buffing the nails , pushing cuticles back. Etc etc.
I'd advise Mum on what she needed to do to have "Lovely Nails" Try this product, yes it'll work. Just rub this into your cuticles/nail tips/hands ten times a day. you get the idea. To me with plenty of free time before kids, it seemed so easy. She was obviously not trying hard enough!
Just add twenty five years to those glamorous hands and notice the difference. They've become square and blunt. The knuckles are thick. I struggle with some of my rings, but I'm too vain to get them enlarged (What if i drop a few pounds.) I can't grow any length to the nails. I have freckles on the back of my hands and they always seem dry.
They're my Mum's Hands.
And I know that they are like this because I "MOTHER". We work so hard, my hands and I. Together we make a house , a home; we rub away aches, we give comfort with touch, we nourish and nurture. Sometimes we tackle distasteful tasks, but we do it quickly, efficiently.
They can wield heavy tools if required and then , later, can precisely place a delicate bead or sequin, sew tiny stitches or find an eyelash that is lost in a dear one's eye.
I love that I have my Mum's hands.
I'm not so sure about the knee's.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
New Title
Just thought for the new year, a new title banner was in order. Love the quote from Erma Bombeck. The photo is from my desk, through our front sliding doors and off our balcony. I've tweaked the colour to make our Tibouchina extra blue, and softened the focus to write my little quote.
This is what I see as i sit at my desk and write or scrap or draw or just think and pray.
My intention once again is to write more frequently and now after much thought i know what direction to take this in. I have some drafts for publishing that just need a wee little polish and some little snapshots of my world that may bring a smile to your face.
If I make you smile, or make you thoughtful. If I bring a tear to your eye or even better, if i make you sit up and look more closely as i share my spiritual journey with you then I am glad.
If you hadn't realised I've found God again, I have( apparently he never lost me!)
I can't talk the "churchy" talk so relax; it won't be like that!
Phew! I'm as relieved as you are!
But i want to share with you the amazing things that happen to me daily.
The First thing to share!
This is not what I got out of bed to write, in fact nothing like what I'd intended at all.
I'll share my funny McDonalds story, and the icecream truck story, and the mums and daughters thoughts with you next time.
ta ta for now
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Newsletter for March/April
But the kiss that hits me firmly in my heart is a kiss to the centre of my forehead. Think of the way that kiss is handled. Someone near and dear to you cups your cheek in their hand, brushes your hair to one side and plants a soft and tender kiss right where you have your worry lines. You have to close your eyes for just those few seconds and leave yourself in their hands; feeling loved and for a few moments everything stops as there is a connection between kisser and kissee.
A kiss on the forehead is a gentle kiss. It tells you that the kisser knows how busy your mind is, coping with the day to day dramas of keeping everyone happy, remembering all you need to do. I think it goes straight to your heart, recognises that you are a good person, fighting the good fight in spite of all. It’s a kiss to your spirit, a kiss of encouragement, a kiss of very tender love.
I close my little rambling today with a kiss on the forehead for you. I can see the hard work you are doing, I can see the times you struggle and wonder if it’s even noticed. Keep going, you’re on the right path and you are appreciated.
Newsletter for January/February
It’s easy to watch and see only that she’s busy on the phone or on the computer (or as all our husbands think, sitting and having another coffee chat at the morning tea table with all her staff! )
We don’t see unless we look closely the true magic of daisy’s, and why she has created a safe place for you to rest your burdens for a while.
I have watched Barbi quietly comfort recently bereaved with the warmest of hugs as they rest they’re worries against her shoulder. I watched her give abundantly more than is expected to the people who come to our counter that do good works in the community. I’ve watched her remember not just names, but the stories of people from near and far who come back to us again and again and each time are welcomed “home” with food and drink. I’ve known the amount of work on her plate and still been astounded when the home baking arrives! Does she sleep? I’ve watched her show the most amazing grace to people, who may not deserve it, (and she’s taught me not to judge)
I used to be frustrated at the “jumble sale” that is our third table at Daisy’s and the office/dumpster that is our “behind the scenes”. But now I know why! You can’t be tidying when you are ministering! (It’s our job to tidy) When I find a little pile of papers and tools and scraps in a corner I know that Barbi has just given a demo to someone, its probably after shop closing time, they probably bought the product somewhere else and have no clue how to use it, they may not even be grateful, or quite arrogantly announce they can get it cheaper somewhere else! Does this deter our barbi?
No way!
I’m happy to be able to come along behind and tidy and straighten; finish and put away because the whole time I’m remembering that someone has probably been helped, guided, advised, comforted, nurtured, encouraged, reassured, or just taught a skill.
Barbi is my role model on how to be, and my mentor on how to work. I can only wish that we all get this kind of boss, who has her priorities exactly right!
Bless you Barbi! X