Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

Its been a funny old lead up to Christmas this year. Still all the madcap craziness, but also there's been in me an enormous sense of peace.
We've been on holidays since midway through the month and so have had time for the usual preparations, and also a few lovely days camping by the seashore, with my darling family. That was the most important time for me. The days were just glorious, perfect sunshine, warm water, good company. It gave me time to clear my head and have a little chat with my Father.

Its taken me a long time to realise that the inner monologue that i have in my head every day, whenever i'm awake is me chitter chattering to God. And I always have! People would say that Linda is such a worrier" and I couldn't understand it. I'm not fretting over something , i'm processing it. Those times when i feel a nudge to do something, even when its stepping out of my safety zone, making me uncomfortable; I know its a nudge from God. I have learnt to trust that sometimes i don't know best.

When I see someone who is struggling and my God nudges me to go over, start talking , give a hug, say the uncomfortable words, I generally do. I fret when i miss that nudge, or I'm too chicken to act on it. (rest assured this works in reverse too, stay away, back away, disengage can also be my instinctive prompt and my personal favourite that comes to me very very often "be quiet, just Listen!" Its taken me years to heed that one. LOL)

I relish those moments when my world is quiet around me. Here I am early early Christmas morning , i've popped the turkey into the oven and I have time to sit and give thanks for all i have been blessed with. I won't list them for you, you can imagine as they will be similar to yours.

Time to go, the house is stirring.

I'm very grateful to you my dear friends. I wish you all a blessed Christmas. Remember to celebrate his birthday. Its our yearly reminder of how much God loves us and wants us back.
God Bless
ps Don't try and steer the rollercoaster, God is doing that; sit up the front and throw your hands in the air and go wooooohoooo!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hope you had a wonderful christmas... turkey eh sounds good..looking forward to catching up in the new year .x