Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Why wig wam?

Okay so I have had a play around with the blog. I've added those articles from the newsletter that are from my heart. I've worked out how to add photo's and so now its all systems go!
I have the shortcut on my desktop to streamline the time from idea to writing. I've worked out how to rough draft and if i need to , go back and edit.

Why Wig Wam for a gooses bridle do you ask? Its a funny old saying that my Gram used to say as an answer to our constant questions of "What are you doing Gram?" one of those nonsensical answers that really mean " I'm not sure I'm in the middle of the creative process!" or even just "I'm doing a whole lot of nothing!"

I miss my gram often and wish I could go back and pay more attention to the things she said. How can you know as a little person what will be the most important things to remember. I do remember her heating our socks on cold mornings in the wood combustion heater. Serving us sneaky portions of doorstop toast with cream and sugar sprinkled on it. Helping her write cheques when we shopped. She'd write the numbers then i'd write the words for the numbers. I thought it was for me to practice, but now I know it was probably because it wasn't her strongest skill. I was only about eight or nine then. What must the bank have thought of those round childish letters.

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